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This site contains film reviews from both the Hesston College Horizon and the Eastern Mennonite University Weather Vane.

I began writing film reviews shortly after the release of Star Wars: The Force Awakens. My love of the Star Wars films enkindled a love of all film. I took up writing bi-weekly film reviews for Hesston College’s news publication, The Horizon.

In the fall of 2016, I transferred to Eastern Mennonite University and began writing for The Weather Vane. The steady support and funds from that publication allowed me to view a new film once a week and gave me the ability to write timely reviews. The weekly release process also forced me to become more creative in my writing and develop a consistent voice. As my voice developed, so did my opinions. I learned new aspects of what makes a film good. Many of the opinions I share in my early reviews are ones that I no longer hold.

Please enjoy the extent of my work so far, and bear with me as I continue to make deeper strides into the creativity of writing.